Gay Rodeo
Gay Rodeo Ain’t For Sissies (But They Did Let Me In)
Includes THREE VIDEOS — Gay Rodeo Curious, The Ballad of Winnie Bago’s Thrashed Undercarriage and Goat Dressing — THREE FEATURE ARTICLES — Gay Rodeo Ain’t for Sissies (Though They Did Let Me In), My Beef with Gay Rodeo, and Gay Rodeo Makes You Limp — and a blog/interview with TK.
Gay Rodeo Makes You Limp (Traditional Rodeo is Even Harder On You)
The 2006 LA Gay Rodeo made me limp (but only because I hadn’t worn boots for a while and I was on my feet for hours). Otherwise, I was good to go. As I sensed plenty of cowgirls and boys at the rodeo were. Even if we weren’t all good to go the same direction, I could still feel plenty of good-to-go magic in the air. This, in spite of the fact that many of the cowboys and girls were fairly beaten up. Then, at some point while limping along attracting more attention than I had in ages, it dawned on me: The good-to-go air wasn’t there despite everyone being beaten up. It was there because of them being beaten up… Because of the limping!!!
My Beef with Cow Pokin'
In case you’re wondering, I do have a beef with gay rodeoin’. But it’s not the rampant violation of No Shirt, No Service policy I witnessed at this year’s LA Gay Rodeo. I’ll wager the majority of the barebacked studs with six-pack abs I saw there had no trouble at all getting serviced — by complete strangers, even. And it doesn’t bother me one bit. Hell, I’m just grateful they’re gay; us straight dudes don’t need the competition.
Gay Rodeo Curious
I guess you could say I was gay rodeo curious.
So I went to the LA Gay Rodeo.
And what I saw there was…
Real McCoys and chat room cowboys
Ropin’ and ridin’ all day
Bulls so mean, here and there a drag queen
Beefcake every which way
The Ballad of Winnie Bago's Thrashed Undercarriage
This here’s the ballad of Winnie Bago’s Thrashed Undercarriage
No worries Hoss, ain’t about gay marriage
It’s about this cowboy called Doug Graff and his alter ego
Hot little drag queen name o’ Winnie Bago
Goat Dressing
There are many entry points into gay rodeo. This just happens to be the most popular. Goat Dressing (a gateway sport).